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2018 Consumer Confidence Report

2018 Consumer Confidence Report

We test the drinking water quality for many constituents as required by state and federal regulations. This report shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1 - December 31, 2018 and may include earlier monitoring data.

(Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo ó hable con alguien que lo entienda bien.)

Type of water source(s) in use: Groundwater Wells

Name & general location of source(s): Los Osos CSD uses six source wells: 8th Street Well, 3rd Street Well, South Bay Lower Aquifer Well, South Bay Upper Aquifer Well, 10th Street Well, and Palisades Well.
Drinking Water Source Assessment information:

A source assessment was completed in June 2016. All water customers were mailed a copy of the CCR with their  May/June Billing. If you did not recieve a copy, the CCR is available at the Los Osos CSD office at 2122 9th Street, Suite 102, Los Osos, CA 93402 Or you can download the report below.

2018 Los Osos CSD CCR.pdf



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